Thursday, May 19, 2011

Some of the Best Days

Yesterday was one of those days that just summed up how amazing this trip has been for me!  It did start off by saying goodbye to the Ives family with a huge lunch send-off at the Keep.  Goodbyes are not one of my favorite things, but I am so thankful for the Ives family and all that they have done here!  They will be missed!  Love you Ives!!

After the Keep, I was able to go to the Source of the Nile with another volunteer and two of our children, Esther and Charlie.  We took a boat ride all around Lake Victoria and the Nile and where they connect.  We saw all sorts of wildlife such as monkeys, lizards the size of small children, numerous kinds of birds, and black cobras swimming in the water next to our boat (I was not a fan of that one!).  The scenery was breathtaking!  I wish that the pictures I am going to post could really explain how incredible everything really is!  We spent close to 2 hours exploring all around the source of the Nile!  And I loved sharing it with our kids!  It was funny to hear a lot of Ugandans refer to us as the kids' mamas.  But it was a nice change from being called a "mzungu" all the time!  :)

Soon we had to leave to get the kids back home for dinner.  And then it was time for the aunties to head over to our friend's house for dinner, dessert, and games!  I can't remember a time I have laughed so hard!  A dance party soon broke out in the kitchen as we were preparing Kraft macaroni and cheese and brownies (best meal yet!).  I don't think I even left the kitchen that night because that's where the party was!  I am so blessed to have gotten to know such sweet friends over here.  I have been so encouraged by them!  And it helps that we can have random kitchen dance parties to Britney Spears all the way to the Mamma Mia soundtrack!  Love it!  The night ended with an intense game of banana grams (of course on the kitchen floor)!  These memories I have made will definitely last me a lifetime!

I am so thankful for my time here, and I know I have probably said that in every post I've made!  But it's true!  It's hard to describe to you in words how super wonderful awesome incredible life-changing and amazing it has been!  But I'm trying as best as I can!  :)  But enough words for now....let the pictures do the talking!  Enjoy!

Lindsey, Charlie, Me, and Esther

Boat ride at the Source of the Nile

Gigantic lizard

So beautiful!

One of my favs!

Charlie and Esther photo shoot

Mr. Charlie loving his boat ride

James, our tour guide spotted a snake in the water

It's there I promise!  It's a black cobra to the right of the leaves

Birds everywhere...
And here are some more pictures from Amani!

S I M O N!!!

Jennifer and Hope

Richard and Charlie

I took William out to Ozzie's for some cake and soda



Love...Me and Benja

Ahhh probably one of my all time favorites!  Me and Esther

My Esther again

Me and Richard

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! What an amazing experience for you and all of the adorable little ones you get to be an auntie to.
