Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reaching the End

I'm actually writing this to you from the Dubai airport at 5:30 am waiting for my 10:15 am flight.  I left Uganda yesterday, and it hasn't quite hit me yet that I am gone...maybe because of pure exhaustion.  I am not going to write about my last days at Amani because I have still not really processed things yet.  Writing in my journal has been the only way I have attempted to do so and that has led to many tears in many public areas.  So to keep myself from further embarrassment, I will keep this short.  My time at Amani was so sweet.  The memories I have made on this trip will never fade.  I know the people that came into my life were put there for a purpose.  I grew so much within the last couple of months spent in Uganda.  My heart is aching having to leave Jinja, a place that I have grown to call home.  I am so full of emotions; I really don't know how to handle them all!  Having to leave those kids was extremely hard for me to do.  My time there was incredible, but I knew it would end painfully.  Those kids have a tendency to capture your heart, and they were definitely successful with me.  I am very sleep-deprived so I think I'm going to end it here before I start rambling.  But as you read this, I hope and pray that you keep these children and the people of Uganda in your thoughts and prayers as they will always remain in my heart.  Thank you.

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